Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 9 to 11 - Holiday, Holiday part 1

The time arrived for us to go walkabout in Australia for two nights in what we called our Holiday, Holiday and sometimes Holiday, Holiday, Holiday in honour of the Micky Flanagan piece, out out which we had recently watched on DVD.  In fact we used the terms a lot such as lunch lunch, swim swim, shower shower etc. much to the annoyance of Jodie and Jenny.

Open road

We headed North out of Perth on the main road, and as we got out into the outback we rarely saw vehicles behind or in front of us, with the occasional vehicle passing in the opposite direction.  All you had to do was turn the music up, set the cruise control to 110 kph, steer and watch out for oncoming Kangaroo's. 

Open road - to infinity and beyond

Destination Gabbadah

Our destination was a holiday (holiday) home at Sandalwood Rd, Gabbadah WA 6041, 122 km away, which was rented from a friend of a friend and provided an ideal base camp for the next few trips.

Base camp Trafford/Anscombe


With the cars unloaded we headed off to Guilderton the nearest coastal town, for a bit R&R, a swim and an Ice cream.
One of Simon's (many) Pano's - Moore river to the left, the Indian Ocean to the right.

Love this picture

Looking inland at Moore river

Another glorious empty beech

Moore river walk

We then took a short drive along the Moore river to a designated walk which provided yet another photo opportunity.

Another pano....


On the way back to base camp we got to see a Kangaroo and Joey who lived very close to base camp.

Kanga and roo
In one of the cupboards we discovered a store of games, which included a well used pack of UNO.  So several rounds of UNO ensued with some very dubious collaboration on the call of UNO.

It was a very clear evening and the stars shone brightly in the sky, so we decided to have a go at time lapse photography to capture them.  None of us had done it before and without internet access it was a case of trial and error, with mixed results.

The moon and some stars
So we started painting with light to try and figure it out, but got distracted and had more fun with a torch and iPhone lamp.

Paul and Porter
It is amazing what you can create when you go internet cold turkey!!

More images can be found here.

Follow the link to Part 2.

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