Monday 29 August 2016

The journey to the USA! 28th August 2016

Preparations, unusually so, had been good for this years 'vacation' so the stress levels pre-journey initialisation had been kept to a relative minimum. There was the obvious niggle 'will Jodie throw up throughout the whole flight' and 'will I manage not to feint or be a jabbering wreck pre-boarding' but to be honest from a blog point of view it was really all rather boring. Jodie was fine. I was fine. Nobody sat around us had issues and I'm pleased to report that the flight was lovely and smooth, until we were just about to land and there was a tiny bit of bumpiness, but I even managed to keep my eyes open on landing and I didn't scream at touch down! I think I can now declare to the world that I am no longer scared of flying!!!!

So..... no drama's there...........however......the whole driving on the 'wrong' side of the road, the lack of a satellite navigational system or map, a driver that pays no attention to the instructions of the navigation officer led to a very turbulent arrival to the villa. I think I shall leave that one to your imaginations and move on!!!

The Villa however, exceeded all expectations, the bed is so big I feel like princess and the pea trying to climb in (I am sad to report though that there was a distinct absence of the pea so that means I can't be a princess)! Jodies bed is simply the widest bed I have ever seen...... ever! I say Jodies as I assume she won the fight about who got that one!  Its simply perfect. The only thing we (well I) missed was a cup of tea on arrival. The fraughtness of the car journey meant that no provisions were purchased so we were all hungry and thirsty!

The Villa

The time difference is 5 hours (behind) so after the explorations we called it a night and went to bed around 8.30 (1.30am UK time).

Looking forward to the next fortnight

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